North Myrtle Beach Sea Turtle Patrol. Powered by Blogger.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

NMB Endangered Sea Turtle false crawl

We do not get to pick the days a Sea Turtle will come to shore to nest. This morning's showers and lightning will prove a little more challenging.  This Beautiful crawl is found by the NMB STP Volunteers out walking. 

Although this morning Volunteers have found a beautiful crawl, as the weather becomes worse all need to get off the beach until it is safe to check this crawl out.

NMB STP Volunteer are excited that they have found this beautiful crawl, they are hoping a nest is found and can be protected. Great job all out walking this wet and raining morning.

Extensive probing is done, but this is new dunes and very soft in many places.  A few times the patrol must leave the beach because of weather and return after weather is better.

Because of the soft sand, the probe going all the way down in the Dunes, careful digging must be done to try to locate an egg chamber if there is one. After exhausting attempts to find an egg chamber, one is not found at this time.

All Sea Turtles are endangered, they are federally, and state protected.  Special training, guidelines and permits are required to work with Nesting Sea Turtles, Hatchlings and Strandings

If you are in the NMB or Briarcliffe areas and encounter a Nesting Sea Turtle, Hatchling or stranding please call:


NMB Loggerhead nest # 20

A beautiful, endangered Loggerhead Sea Turtle crawl has been found by the NMB STP Volunteers this morning.

The crawl is looked at to see what and where this sea turtle may have nested. the incoming crawl along with the outgoing crawl will be looked at.

unfortunately, some of the crawl used to help determine the starting point is erased by human footprints, as it appears someone could have been near her while nesting.  please keep in mind that Sea Turtles are endangered, they are federally protected.  The NMB STP Volunteers wait patiently while the egg chamber is located.

The egg chamber is found, as this is a very busy beach, with many lights, this nest will be relocated to a safer part of the beach.  There were 73 eggs in this nest.  As the season goes on, we are seeing egg clutches with a smaller number of eggs.  Sea Turtles will lay up to 6 times sometimes more during a season. Toward the later part of the nesting season, they will typically lay smaller amounts of eggs.  

One egg will be used for the important research. This will be shared in a national data base and used to answer many of the unknowns of the Endangered Sea Turtles.  Some data such as where the Nesting mother nested, how often she may have nested, how many years in-between nesting.  The studies have identified mothers, daughters, siblings just to name a few.

The eggs are protected with a cage, poles and rope and a sign indicating that this is a protected endangered Sea Turtle nest.

Great job to all the NMB, Briarcliffe and No Mans land STP Volunteers out walking this morning and every morning so the endangered Sea Turtle nest can be protected.  All making the difference in the survival of the endangered Sea Turtle species.

All Sea Turtles are endangered, they are federally, and state protected.  Special training, guidelines and permits are required to work with nesting Sea Turtles, Nest, Hatchlings and Strandings.

If you encounter a nesting Sea Turtle, Hatchling or Stranding in NMB or Briarcliffe areas please call the 

Monday, July 15, 2024

North Myrtle Beach Historical Museum Turtle talks

The NMB STP Outreach Volunteers will give a fun and informative Prestation
This presentation is free.
All ages are welcome. 


Saturday, July 13, 2024


Beautiful long crawl, with the incoming and outgoing crawl.

This Sea Turtle was determined, she crawled all the way up the dunes before coming back down returning to the Ocean without nesting.

This was the turn around as she turned around going back to the Ocean.  Thank full for all of the NMB STP Volunteers who are all out walking early mornings. They are all the reasons we are able to protect the endangered Sea Turtle Nest.

All Sea Turtles are endangered, they are federally, and state protected.  Special training, guidelines and permits are required to work with Nesting Sea Turtles, Nest, Hatchling and Strandings.

If you are in the NMB or Briarcliffe areas and encounter a nesting Sea Turtle, Hatchling or stranding, please call


NMB protected Loggerhead Sea Turtle nest #19

A call coming into the NMB STP Hotline of a nesting Sea Turtle.  The NMB STP Volunteers arrive quickly.  Thankful for the call as this Nesting Mother was able to nest in peace. While this Endangered Sea Turtle was returning to the water, a Pit scan and Measurements were taken.  This Sea Turtle was a big Mother, her measurements were 41 inches from notch to tip of the Carapace.

The body pit is protected with poles and rope put around the nest until it can be protected. In the morning the NMB STP Volunteers are back to relocate this nest to a safer part of the beach.  With lights and high traffic area this nest and Baby Hatchlings would not do well.

There were 91 eggs in this nest

Thankful for all of the NMB, Briarcliffe and no Mans Land Volunteers out walking this morning and every morning.  They are all making the difference in helping to save the Endangered Sea Turtle Species.

All Sea Turtles are endangered, they are federally, and state protected.  Special training, gridlines and permits are required to work with Nesting Sea Turtles, Nest, Hatchlings and Stranded Sea Turtles.

If you are in the NMB or Briarcliffe areas and encounter a nesting Sea Turtle, Hatchling or Stranding please call:


NMB Endangered Sea Turtle nest #18

During the early evening hours, a call coming into the NMB STP Hotline.  Very thankful for this caller, as some people were trying to put this nesting Sea Turtle back into the Ocean.  They were told to leave her alone that she was nesting.  The NMB STP were on another stranding call very close, quickly responding to this call.

All is kept quiet while she nested and returned back into the Ocean. Very thankful for this call, as it made the difference in her being able to nest in peace and quiet.

The NMB STP are back very early in the morning to protect this nest.  Because it was on top of the Dunes, with allot of activity and lights it was relocated to a safer part of the beach.  There were 107 eggs in this nest.

 All Sea Turtles are endangered, they are federally, and state protected.  Special training, guidelines and permits are required to work with Nesting Sea Turtles, Nest, Hatchlings and strandings.

If you are in the NMB or Briarcliffe areas and encounter a Nesting Sea Turtle, Hatchling or Stranding, please call:


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

NMB endangered Sea Turtle nest # 17

This nesting Sea Turtle was called into the NMB STP Hotline. NMB STP Volunteers quickly arrive to make sure all is kept quiet, with no lights or interference.  The tides were up high, it was dark so many were averted around this nesting Sea Turtle as they would have walked right up to her.
Once she is safely back into the Ocean, poles and rope are put around the body pit to protect the nest until it can be protected in the morning. 

The crawl coming ang going from the body pit  are looked at to get an idea of where she may have laid her eggs.

We have very special visitors this morning checking out what the NMB STP is doing.  They are shown the crawl and the body pit at a safe distance. The NMB STP Volunteers doing what they love, sharing their passion, love and knowledge with all that come upon a nest being protected. Many go home with a new insight about the Endangered Sea Turtle Species.  Many will remember ways they can help in the future of the Endangered Sea Turtle Species throughout their lives. 

 The eggs are carefully relocated, a cage put around the egg chamber to protect the Sea Turtle eggs.

Thank you to all that walk in NMB, Briarcliffe and no man's land this morning and every morning.  All making the difference in helping to save the endangered Sea Turtle Species.

All Sea Turtles are endangered, they are federally, and state protected.  Special gridlines, training and permits are required to work with Nesting Sea Turtles, Nest, Hatchlings and Stranded Sea Turtles.

If you encounter a nesting Sea Turtle, Hatchling or stranded Sea Turtle in NMB or Briarcliffe areas please call:


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