North Myrtle Beach Sea Turtle Patrol. Powered by Blogger.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

NMB STP Loggerhead protected nest # 11

 An exciting day as the NMB STP Volunteers are out walking their sections of the beach, early in the morning hours.  They never know when they might discover the magnificent crawl and possible nest of an endangered Sea Turtle.

 As global warming, Trash and plastics are entering the Oceans at an alarming rate, just to name a few.  The Volunteers all know the importance and impact they all have on saving the Sea Turtle species.  They are the reasons the nest can be found and protected.

 The wind is quickly minimizing the signs of the nest, making it a little more difficult to work, but the previous photos Volunteers took when they first arrived are looked at to help find the spot of the egg chamber.

There were 130 eggs in this nest.  The egg chamber is in an unsafe place as this has many bright lights behind them and busy beach traffic.  The eggs will be relocated according to DNR guidelines

Once the eggs are carefully relocated, a cage, poles, ropes and a sign are put in place indicating this is an endangered Sea Turtle Nest.

One egg will be used for DNA Research. The eggshell alone will be used to identify this particular mother.  It will tell us if she has nested before or if this is the first documented time she has nested and may be a new mother.  Other information as to what beaches she has nested on and how many times.  If she previously nested in the years past and how many years between nesting are just a few.

Great job to all the NMB STP, Briarcliffe and No Mans land Volunteers out walking today and every day.  Making the difference in the survival of the Endangered Sea Turtle species.

All Sea Turtles are endangered, they are federally, and state protected. Special guidelines, training and permits are required to work with nesting Sea Turtles, Nest, Hatchlings and stranded Sea Turtles

If you encounter a Nesting Sea Turtle, Nest, Hatchling or stranded Sea Turtle in NMB or Briarcliffe areas please call:




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