North Myrtle Beach Sea Turtle Patrol. Powered by Blogger.

Friday, June 28, 2024

NMB protected nest #12

 The NMB STP Volunteers are out at first light, they can't go any earlier as they may not see a crawl or body pit. Even at early light there are many factors that may make it harder to see crawl. Wind, storms and rain often dimmish the signs that are used to determine a Sea Turtle crawl. In this picture you can see how the wind has overblown much of the signs used to find a crawl or nest.  The NMB STP Volunteers have taken pictures when they first arrive as it was not as windblown, which greatly helped in finding the egg chamber.

This nest was located below the Spring HTL and busty part of the beach, so it is relocated to a safer part of the beach.  There were 91 eggs in this nest. Once relocated a cage, poles and rope with a sign indicating this is a protected endangered Sea Turtle nest are put in place.

One egg is used for DNA studies and will be shared in a national database to help further the survival of the endangered Sea Turtle species

Great job to all the NMB STP, Briarcliffe and No man's land out walking every morning so the endangered Sea Turtle Nest can be protected.  All making the difference in the survival of the endangered Sea Turtle Species.

All Sea Turtles are endangered, they are federally, and state protected. Special guidelines, training and permits are required to work with Nesting Sea Turtles, Nest, Hatchlings or stranded Sea Turtles.

If you are in NMB or Briarcliffe areas and encounter a Nesting Sea Turtle, Hatchling or stranded Sea Turtle please call:

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