North Myrtle Beach Sea Turtle Patrol. Powered by Blogger.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Stranding #6 kemps deceased Sea Turtle in NMB

 A call coming in in the morning hours, of a Sea Turtle on the beach, by looking at the pictures it was thought probably deceased.  Once at the beach it was determined that this was a juvenile Kemp's Ridley.

All Sea Turtles are endangered, and much information is taken and entered in a national data base.  Information as documenting if any visible wounds, if fishing hooks or fishing line or any other type of entanglements are looked for.  The flippers will be checked also to determine if any flipper tags are present, and a pit scan tag will be performed (much like looking for a chip). Measurements will also be taken. 

All Sea Turtles are Endangered, they are Federally and State Protected.  Special training, guidelines and permits are required to work with dead or alive strandings, Nesting mothers, nest and hatchlings.  If you encounter a Nesting Sea Turtle or stranding in NMB or Briarcliffe areas, please call.




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