In NMB and the State of South Carolinas typical Sea Turtles Nesting are Loggerheads. But this morning while coming upon this nest it is immediately known that it is not a typical Loggerhead Sea Turtle Nest. The body pit is huge. Although the Tracks are not visible in the wet sand, and raking had erased part of the crawl, the size says it all. Excitement is brewing as the thought that this may be an Endangered Leatherback Sea Turtle Nest. This would be a first documented Leatherback Sea Turtle Nest in NMB.
This picture does not do justice to the size of this body pit (nest), it is huge. Could this be the Largest Sea Turtle, the Leatherback, well yes, it is.
Part of the crawl showing just how big this crawl is and the flipper marks are
Now it's time to look at all the signs, a little more challenging as part of the crawl has been raked over. But this won't stop the well train NMB STP Volunteers. They will look at many more signs to determine the best place to start.
67 eggs are in this Nest, along with 39 non-viable spacer eggs. Leatherback Sea Turtles are known to lay less eggs than what we usually see in a loggerhead nest. The eggs are much bigger in size, about the size of a billiard ball. As this nest was laid in an unsafe part of the beach it is relocated to a safer part of the beach.
Although all Sea Turtle can have spacer eggs. (spacer eggs are non-viable smaller eggs). Leatherback nests are known to have more. This particular nest had 39 spacer eggs in it also.
A very deep nest, 31 inches from the top of the egg chamber to the bottom.
Great job NMB STP Volunteers for finding this crawl, to relocating. A protective cage is also put around this nest to help keep anything away from them that may be sharing the beaches with us.
All Sea Turtles are endangered, they are Federally and State protected. Special guidelines, training and permits are required to work with nesting Sea Turtles, Nest, Hatchlings and Stranded Sea Turtles.
If you encounter a Nesting Sea Turtle, Hatchling, Stranded Sea Turtle or have accidentally hooked a Sea Turtle while fishing in NMB or Briarcliffe areas please call:
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