North Myrtle Beach Sea Turtle Patrol. Powered by Blogger.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

#8 Deceased Loggerhead on Briarcliffe

 A call coming early in the morning from Briarcliffe STP Volunteers. A large Loggerhead Sea Turtle deceased at the waterline. Once measurements are taken of the carapace (top of the shell) we know it was close to being an adult. It is also determined that it has not been deceased a long time. DNR is contacted, and it is taken by DNR for a necropsy.  This necropsy will give more information and insight as to many things such as what they have been eating at this stage and time of year, what the health of the Sea Turtle may have been, just to name a few.  This information is shared in a national database and will be used in the conservation to help in the future of the endangered Sea Turtle Species.

Taking Measurements

DNR will be transporting this decease Loggerhead for necropsy. A Sea Turtle sling will be used as this Loggerhead will be very heavy.


All Sea Turtles are Endangered, they are federally, and state protected.  Special guidelines, training and permits are needed to work with nesting Sea Turtles, Nest, Hatchlings and deceased or alive strandings.

If you encounter a nesting Sea Turtle, Hatchling or stranding in NMB or Briarcliffe areas please call 


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