A call came in from the NMB STP Volunteers and a prominent photographer who also walks the beach, they have found a long crawl and very promising body pit. Soon more NMB STP Volunteers are there to help.
A beautiful long incoming crawl and outgoing crawl
She has crawled up into the dune and around the poles of what are the only remains of and old sand fence.
This crawl will be tricky to find as this Sea Turtle has done a good job throwing sand to cover and disguise her nest.
Probing is done while excited Volunteers anxiously wait to see if a nest is found. While this nesting Mother did a great job covering and hiding her nest, the eggs were quickly found. Great job reading the signs of the crawl to find the starting point.
This is the spot of the egg chamber.
109 eggs were found in this nest that will be protected. One egg will be used for DNA research, to help in the survival and future of the Sea Turtle Species.
While the eggs typically are the size and shape of a ping pong ball this egg has an unusual shape.
Also in this nest was a tiny spacer egg. Spacer eggs are none viable eggs sometimes found in the nest.
A cage is put around the nest to help protect it against animals digging up the nest and ensures the nest will not be accidentally disturbed. Ropes and a sign indicating this is a protected Endangered Sea Turtle nest are put up.
As more and more habitat is taken away from wildlife, they adapt by using the only portions of land left, Protecting the nest will help in the Survival of the endangered Sea Turtle Species so we can all share what is left of the open areas we have.
Protected Loggerhead Sea Turtle nest #5
All Sea Turtles are endangered, they are federally, and state protected. Special guidelines, training and permits are required to work with Nesting Sea Turtles, nest, hatchlings and stranded Sea Turtles.
If you encounter a Sea Turtle in NMB or Briarcliffe areas please call the NMB STP Hotline
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