Early morning walks have just begun, and a promising crawl and body pit is found by Briarcliffe STP Volunteers. Calls are made and soon more STP Volunteers are there to help.
The dedicated Briarcliff STP Volunteers have been waking since May 1st and have had false crawls (where the Sea Turtle came to shore but did not nest). But today will be what they all look forward to, it will be protected nest #1 for Briarcliffe.
While every nest is special, as with every protected nest the Briarcliffe STP Volunteers know just how important this conservation work of protecting the nest will be for the future survival of the endangered Sea Turtle Species. What a special day this will be for all.
What a beautiful crawl, the Briarcliffe STP Volunteers will use the signs of the crawls to determine which crawl is incoming and outgoing, looking carefully at the body pit (nest) at the thrown sand, as she has covered the eggs she just laid, and with her flippers she will try to cover the nest she has just laid.
A beautiful body pit, but the Ghost crabs have discovered it also. the hole you see and tracks around it are from ghost crabs.
Probing is done to locate the nest and yes, a nest is found! but because this nest is in an unsafe location on the beach this nest will be relocated to a safer part of the beach.
One egg will be used for DNA Studies, as this will give critical information of some the many unknowns of the Endangered Sea Turtle Species. This data will be shared in a data base and will be used in the conservation efforts to help Save the endangered Sea Turtle Species.
The eggs are carefully taken out of the nest to relocated, the STP Volunteers will take this opportunity to count the eggs..........119 eggs safely relocated.
Poles are put up and roped off, to protect the nest, and a sign indicating this is an endangered Sea Turtle Nest.
Great job on Briarcliffe's Protected nest #1
What a great day this will be for all.
All Sea Turtles are endangered, they are federally, and state protected. Special guidelines, training and permits are required to work with nesting Sea Turtles, nest, hatchlings and stranded Sea Turtles.
If you encounter a Sea Turtle in NMB or Briarcliffe areas, please call the NMB STP Hotline
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