North Myrtle Beach Sea Turtle Patrol. Powered by Blogger.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Inventory on protected endangered Loggerhead nest #12

 This nest was found on a very windy day.  The body pit and signs were quickly being erased by the wind.  Thankfully NMB STP Volunteers who found this crawl and body pit had taken great pictures.  With the signs very faded, the pictures taken by these Volunteers were used to help locate where the eggs were.   

The fox had had interest in this nest a few days before emergence and tried to dig into the nest.  A screen was put over this nest to help protect it against anything sharing the beaches with us.  Because of this an additional cage was put over the screen to help protect this nest.  All is good the fox was never able to reach the eggs or hatchlings.

While this was at the time of tropical storm Debbie, the nest emerged just in time to be able to inventory this nest as the protection would have to be taken off that morning because of threat of the cages being washed into the Ocean.

A great outcome of this nest.

91 eggs in this nest, 1 used for DNA studdies. 90 relocated

97.8 hatch success rate of relocated nest

90 relocated eggs

1 whole egg unhatched egg

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