North Myrtle Beach Sea Turtle Patrol. Powered by Blogger.

Friday, May 31, 2024

loggerhead Sea Turtle Nest # 4 in NMB

NMB STP Volunteers are on the beaches 7 days a week, rain or shine, unless it is thundering or an unsafe storm. The NMB STP Volunteers just never know going out what they may find, but anticipation is always there.

 As first year NMB STP Volunteers come upon this crawl, taking a first look and then a second look and yes this is a crawl. Soon fellow NMB STP Volunteers are on the way.  

A nice crawl with a nice body pit.  Excitement is a mild word for these Volunteers as they wait patiently to see if an egg chamber is found.  Probing is done and yes, we have a nest. 

This Sea Turtle found the perfect spot to nest.  Close enough to the dunes that the high tides won't reach the nest.  It is in a safe and quiet part of the beach so it will be left In Situ (left as it is). 

A beautiful incoming and outgoing crawl with a nice body pit (nest).

Probing is done and yes, we have a nest.  This nest will be left just as it is. 

One egg will be used for DNA studies. This nest is quickly covered back up and left as is, In Situ.  A cage and poles are put around the egg chamber and a sign indicating this is a protected endangered Sea Turtle Nest.

 Great Job NMB STP Volunteers out walking this morning and every morning so The Endangered Sea Turtle nest can be protected.  NMB STP Volunteers making the difference in the survival of the Sea Turtle species.  

All Sea Turtles are endangered, they are federally, and state protected.  Special training, guidelines and Permits are required to work with nesting Sea Turtles, Nest, Hatchlings or stranded Sea Turtles.

If you encounter a nesting Sea Turtle, Hatchling or stranded Sea Turtle in NMB or Briarcliffe areas please call




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