While the NMB STP Volunteers have many days they get to see a beautiful sunrise and warm weather as they begin their morning walks looking for potential crawls or nest. Today is not one of them, as this morning rain is in the cards. Rain does not deter the dedicated patrol volunteers as they know Sea Turtles do not wait for nice weather to nest. The walks continue as long as the weather is not dangerous or any sign of lightning, as safety is always first. Today the Volunteers dedication and keen eyes will pay off.
Brian and Page happen to be walking this segment. One starting at one end of their section and the other starting at the other end. Brian and Page in communication with each other as he is telling her of a crawl, Calls are made to the NMB STP Hotline, and more volunteers are on the way. Page will make her way to this area as the whole section has to be covered, because you never know if there could be more activity.
What a great surprise for Page as she has come across a second crawl and big body pit with indications of allot of thrown sand. The rain has faded some of the signs, but many signs are still there. More NMB STP Volunteers were soon there to help.
Precautions are made to preserve this body pit while the 1st is being checked out. News of more rain and storms to be coming this way.
The first crawl and smaller body pit is checked out, but very small and not allot of sand is disturbed, This Turtle was also hindered as there is a rock sea wall and many large stones.
A very faint part of the crawl is left as rain has faded much of it away, But the careful eyes, they know just what they are seeing, a very faint crawl.
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