North Myrtle Beach Sea Turtle Patrol. Powered by Blogger.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

NMB false crawl #7, 8, and 9 all in one day.

NMB STP Volunteers have a busy day, while the beach has different sections that volunteers walk, today the crawls would be all on the same section.  Great job Bonnie and Connie, and great job to all the NMB STP Volunteers walking the many miles of beach each day.

False crawl #7

False crawl #8
While this crawl looked promising, the signs showing she stopped at one place, starting to dig.  She did not finish digging the first hole, then crawled up a little more, where it looked like she may have attempted to dig again. Probing was done just to make sure she had not nested in the second area. There is only very hard sand found, maybe too hard for her liking.
This may be hard to see but this is the first hole that she attempted to dig but abandoned it as she moved up further. 

Probing is done, but no egg chamber is found.  The sand in both areas are very hard, maybe to hard for her to nest.

Further up the beach false crawl # 9.  She has crawled all the way up to the dunes, Paulette probed to make sure no eggs were laid here. Paulette found very hard sand in this area also.

All Sea Turtles are endangered, they are federally and state protected, special training, guidelines and permits are required to work with nesting Sea Turtles, nest, hatchlings and stranded Sea Turtles.

If you encounter a Sea Turtle in NMB or Briarcliffe areas, please call the NMB STP Hotline.




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