North Myrtle Beach Sea Turtle Patrol. Powered by Blogger.

Monday, July 17, 2023

North Myrtle Beach protected Loggerhead nest #8

A nice surprise for NMB STP Volunteer Donna, as she is walking the beach near her home as she sees a Loggerhead Sea Turtle crawl. She makes sure to let the rakers know where the body pit is so they will go around it. Soon more NMB STP Volunteers are there to help, as this will be their section to walk.

Volunteers are looking at the crawl, both incoming and outgoing to tell at least part of her story while out of the ocean to nest.  Volunteers are greeting anyone who happens to be walking the beach. They are sharing their passion and knowledge with all that have questions about the endangered Sea Turtle Species.

A very encouraging body pit (Nest)

A beautiful incoming and outgoing crawl.

Probing is beginning as Chuck's grandson Mason eagerly watches as he probes. Eggs are quickly found.

This nest is in the middle of a high traffic beach. There are many lights so it will be relocated to a safer part of the beach.   While relocating there is an opportunity to count the eggs.
141 eggs

A cage is put up around the eggs to help protect the nest.  Poles and rope are put around the cage to protect this endangered Loggerhead Sea Turtle nest.

A trooper for sure, Masons (Chucks Grandson) early morning is not done yet.  A sign is put up indicating this is a Protected Sea Turtle Nest.

The DNA egg is processed. Just the outer shell of the egg will be used, as this contains just the Mothers DNA.

 Great job NMB STP Volunteers. Loggerhead Protected Nest # 8

All Sea Turtles are Endangered, they are state and federally protected, special guidelines, training and permits are required to work with nesting Sea Turtles, nest, hatchlings and stranded Sea Turtles.

If you encounter a Sea Turtle in NMB or Briarcliffe areas, please call the NMB STP Hotline.


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