North Myrtle Beach Sea Turtle Patrol. Powered by Blogger.

Monday, May 22, 2023

North Myrtle Beach 1st protected nest

 A call coming into the NMB STP hotline during the night. 

The dedicated Volunteers of the NMB STP show their dedication, commitment and passion to the Endanger Sea Turtles with a lot of early mornings, up before sunrise 7 days a week from May 1st to August 15 th. They walk rain or shine, hot or cold, to make a difference in saving the Endangered Sea Turtles.

A call came in to the NMB STP Hotline for a nesting Sea Turtle in the evening. Volunteers from the NMB STP were soon there.  All is kept dark, and quite while she nested.  After she nested and, on her way back to the ocean, only a Turtle Safe red lens flashlight is used to check her out. Also looking for any entanglement, or fishing line that may hinder her or even be a cause of death before she goes back into the ocean.

All visible signs showed she was in good health, no signs of entanglements, fishing lines or hooks visible.

After this Beautiful endangered Sea Turtle has returned to the Ocean, The NMB STP Volunteers put poles and rope up so no one will accidentally step in the nest and will alert any early morning vehicles until this nest can be protected.


Because this nest was located at the High Tide Line, a very busy part of the beach, lights from Highrise buildings, the nest was relocated to a safer part of the beach.

123 eggs 

As a new Volunteer, it is always special to see an actual crawl for a first time and what it looks like.  We also take the opportunity to count the number of eggs when they are relocated.  

NMB STP Volunteers always have a smile and enjoy sharing their knowledge and passion to all that may happen to come across a Sea Turtle nest while it is being protected.

All Sea Turtles are endangered, special training and permits are required to work with nesting Sea Turtles, nest, hatchlings and stranded or deceased Sea Turtles.

If in NMB or Briarcliffe area, please call the NMB STP Hotline if you encounter a Sea Turtle.


Any time Day or Night

1 comment:

  1. Looks like this is the one right in front of the condo we're staying in this week. ❤️ Hopefully the foxes who have a den on the other side of the dune won't bother it. 🙂


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