North Myrtle Beach Sea Turtle Patrol. Powered by Blogger.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023


 North Myrtle Beach now has the 2nd protected nest of 2023.

First year Volunteers Robert and Irene have a great find on their NMB STP walk looking for any possible Sea Turtle crawls or nest that will be protected. While not much of the crawl was left as high tide had erased most of the crawl and the beached had been raked, they knew just what to look for.  Soon more NMB STP Volunteers are there to help.

The nest is carefully studied as the signs will give a lot of detail as to where the nest may be.

The eggs are easily located, but they are not in a safe part of the beach, so they will be relocated to a safer part of the beach and protected.

136 eggs are found and protected. 

1 egg out of every protected nest will be used for DNA testing, this information will be shared in a data base which is critical in the conservation and future to help save this Endangered Sea Turtle species.

Just the outer eggshell will be used for DNA studies, this will contain just the mothers DNA.

 Volunteers are eagerly sharing their passion and knowledge with each other and the many curios people who are on the beach while the nest is being protected.

This nest is protected with a metal cage, to help prevent any wildlife that may be sharing the beach, from digging it up and alert people that there is a protected endangered Sea Turtle nest here.

NMB protected nest #2

All Sea Turtles are endangered, they are Federally and State Protected. Special training, guidelines and permits are required to work with nesting Sea Turtles, Nest, Hatchlings and stranded Sea Turtles.

If in NMB or Briarcliffe areas and you encounter a Sea Turtle, please call the NMB STP Hotline
Any time day or night

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